Welcome to Gong Laboratory!

Gong Laboratory is a new laboratory built in April 2015. Our current research interest is centered around the synthesis, 3D printing and applications of high-performance crystalline gels with multiple functionality as temperature-responsivity, shape memory, thermal energy (heat/cold) storage, etc. We are also chanlleging the synthesis and application of crystaline gel particle, crystalline gel fiber, crystalline gel nonwoven faric, thermalsensitive shrinkage film and crystalline gel micro-/nano-porous membrane.

Feel free to visit us or contact us if you are interested in our research or just our lab.


Year: 2024(R6)

【Graduation Thesis Presentation】The thesis oral defense for undergraduate students of Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering (5th-6th) finished today. Four students from our group, Koki Suzuki, Aoi Ichinoseki, Masaki Watanabe and Yutaro Ueno passed their bachelor's oral defense.  R6(2024) Graduation Research Presentation
【Group Event】Instead of the usual year-end party, we held a New Year's party for our group on January 17.   2025 New Year's Party
【Notice】The research on marine biodegradable materials led by our research group has been posted on the website for the Faculties of Engineering of 55 National Universities.
【Environmental Initiatives】
Harnessing the Power of Marine Organisms: Enhancing the Marine Biodegradability of Plastics Using Proteins Derived from Marine Organisms
(Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University)
【Group Event】We held a three-day mid-term group research meeting for the second half of the year 2024 on the 19th, 21st and 22nd of December. Let's keep up the good work.
【Conference】Jin, Akira Yoshida (first-year doctoral student) and Daiki Hinata (second-year master student) took poster presentations at International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology 2024 (ISF2024) (November 25(Mon)-29(Fri),2024, Kyoto Terrsa-Kyoto, Japan)
・11/28 P010 Koh Yoshida, ToshiyaYamasaki, ShunsukeKondo, Aoi Ichinoseki, Koki Suzuki, 〇Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Characteristics of a Natural Protein Fiber Produced by the Marine Organism Hagfish. (Poster)
・11/28 P011 〇Koh Yoshida, Jin Gong, Synthesis and GasPermeation Properties of P(MMA-co-SA) Gels. (Poster)
・11/28 P065 〇Daiki Hinata, Jin Gong, The Effect of Long Alkyl Side Chains on the Response Temperature and Speedof Shape Memory Gels. (Poster)   ISF2024@Kyoto(Jin、Yoshida、Hinata)
【Award】Yutaro Ueno (4th year undergraduate student) won the Best Poster Presentation Award at SmaSys2024. Ueno, Congratulations!
Best Poster Presentation Award (Ueno)
【Conference】Toshiya Yamasaki (first-year master student) and Yutaro Ueno (4th year undergraduate student) took poster presentations at The 12th International Conference on Smart Systems Engineering (SmaSys) 2024 (November 12(Tue), Yonezawa, Japan)
・11/12 1P15 〇Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Development of a Polymer Gel with High Adhesion to Polytetrafluoroethylene. (Poster)
・11/12 1P16 〇Yutaro Ueno, Jin Gong, Super-oleophobicity of Polycarbonate Surfaces Created Using Fluorine-based Gels. (Poster)   SmaSyn2024(Yamasaki, Ueno)
【Group Event】Imoni party (welcome party). We held an imoni party at Naoetei Park to welcome five new third-year students and research student Sun.   Imoni Party 2024
【Notice】​​An international student from China, Sun Tian, has become a new member of our group as an undergraduate research student.
【Collaboration】The 2nd member-to-member research exchange meeting of the Program for Tough Biodegradable Fibers and Nonwovens from Marine Organisms (TBio_Fine), Yamagata University Frontier Research Center of Excellence -Collaboration- (YU-COE) (C) was held at the Yonezawa Campus. We will do our best together with the members this year too.
The 2nd YU-COE(C) member research exchange meeting
【Notice】Five college juniors from Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering joined us. The new school term gets starting today.
【Conference】Akira Yoshida (first-year doctoral student), Daiki Hinata (second-year master student) and Toshiya Yamasaki (first-year master student) took poster presentations at International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization 2024 (IDMPC2024), which was held at Denkokunomoiri, Yonezawa, Japan druing Semptember 17(Tue)-20(Fri), 2024.
・9/18 P1-24 〇Daiki Hinata, Jin Gong, The Effect of Long Alkyl Side Chains on the Response Temperature and Speed of Shape Memory Gels. (Poster)
・9/19 P2-22 〇Koh Yoshida, Jin Gong, Evaluation of Crystallinity and Gas Barrier Properties of P(MMA-co-SA) Gels. (Poster)
・9/19 P2-23 〇Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Development of A Polymer Gel with High Adhesion to Polytetrafluoroethylene. (Poster)
IDMPC2024@Yonezawa (Yoshida, Hinata, Yamasaki)
【Lecture】Jin gave a lecture titled "Extraction of tough fibers from spindle-shaped fiber spherules in hagfish exudate" at the seminar and facility tour of the Yamagata University Business Starting Center for Organic Material (YBSC).
【Notice】Jin and Akira Yoshida (first-year doctoral student) went to Ainan Town, Ehime Prefecture, to collect samples for the marine field test (participating as part of the Moonshot Ito Project).  Field test 2024 1  Field test 2024 2
【Collaboration】Jin participated in theThe 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference at Yamagata University, and presented the research results of Program for Tough Biodegradable Fibers and Nonwovens from Marine Organisms (TBio_Fine), Yamagata University Frontier Research Center of Excellence -Collaboration- (YU-COE) (C).  Group photo
【Group Event】We held a two-day mid-term group research meeting for the first half of the year 2024 on the 6th and 7th Auguest.
【Open Campus】The 2024 Open Campus was held on site. We had lots of visitors this year as well. Thank all visitors, and also our members who took many efforts for preparing this event.   Opencampus2024
【Paper】The first-year doctora student, Koh Yoshida published his paper titled "Enhanced Marine Biodegradation of Polycaprolactone through Incorporation of Mucus Bubble Powder from Violet Sea Snail as Protein Fillers" in Polymres. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym16131830.   Congratulations!
【Conference, Invited Lecture】Jin participated in The 14th International symposium on polymer physics (PP2024) held in Chongqing city, China, from June 9(Sun) to June 14(Fri), and gave an invited talk.
・6/10 Koh Yoshida, Toshiya Yamasaki, Shunsuke Kondo, Koki Suzuki, Aoi Ichinoseki,〇Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Characteristics and Application of a Natural Protein Fiber Produced by the Marine Organism Hagfish.(Invited talk)   PP2024@Chongqing, China(Jin)
【Conference】We presented 6 papers at 73rd SPSJ Annual Meeting, which was held at Sendai International Center druing June 5(Wed)-7(Fri), 2024.
・6/5 1Pb060 〇Nakayama Takumi, Jin Gong, Development of a Novel Hook-and-Loop Fastener Mimicking the Protrusion Structure of Hagfish Eggs.(Poster)
・6/5 1Pb064 〇Koh Yoshida, Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Improvement of Marine Biodegradability of PCL by Adding Jellyfish Powder.(Poster)
・6/5 1Pc057 〇Koichiro Momma, Masaki Watanabe, Jun Morita, Satoshi Aoki, Jin Gong, Influence of Monomer Composition on the Self-healing Characteristics of Polymer Gels.(Poster)
・6/5 1Pd046 〇Nigou Taisuke, Jin Gong, Effect of Beads on Mechanical Properties of P(DMAA-co-EA) Gel Nonwoven Fabrics.(Poster)
・6/5 1Pd048 〇Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Development of a Polymer Gel with High Adhesion to Polytetrafluoroethylene.(Poster)
・6/5 1M21 Shunsuke Kondo, Aoi Ichinoseki, Koki Suzuki, 〇Jin Gong, Extraction of Fibers from Hagfish Exudate and Characteristics of These Fibers.(Oral)
73rd SPSJ Annual Meeting@Sendai International Center
【Paper】The co-authored papaer titled "Selective recognition and reversible encapsulation of tetrameric alcohol clusters via hydrogen bonds using a perfluorinated dinuclear nickel(II) complex", with Prof. Akiko Hori of Shibaura Institute of Technology, was accepted and published in CrystEngComm.https://doi.org/10.1039/D4CE00166D.
【Notice】The 'Program for Tough Biodegradable Fibers and Nonwovens from Marine Organisms (TBio_Fine),' led by Jin, has been selected for continued support as one of the Yamagata University Frontier Research Center of Excellence - Collaboration (YU-COE) (C) programs for the year 2024.
List of YU-COE centers (as of May 2024)
【Group Event】Group members celebrated Jin's promotion. Jin also received a lovely bouquet of flowers from the alumuni. Thank you all! Let's continue to study and research together.(By Jin) 5/10Fri Celebration Party 1
5/10Fri lovely bouquet of flowers 1   3/27Wed lovely bouquet of flowers 2
【Award】Jin awarded by Yamagata University for Excellence in Research, Education and Fundraising.   2024 Certificate of Merit
【Notice】We met to welcome the new academic year and updated our lab members for the 2024 academic year.
【Notice】Jin got promoted to Professor on April 1. "I would like to thank you everyone for supporting me so far. I hope to improve even more moving forward and would appreciate your continued support."(By Jin)