Welcome to Gong Laboratory!
Gong Laboratory is a new laboratory built in April 2015. Our current research interest is centered around the synthesis, 3D printing and applications of high-performance crystalline gels with multiple functionality as temperature-responsivity, shape memory, thermal energy (heat/cold) storage, etc. We are also chanlleging the synthesis and application of crystaline gel particle, crystalline gel fiber, crystalline gel nonwoven faric, thermalsensitive shrinkage film and crystalline gel micro-/nano-porous membrane.
Feel free to visit us or contact us if you are interested in our research or just our lab.
- 2025-02-06
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】The thesis oral defense for undergraduate students of Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering (5th-6th) finished today. Four students from our group, Koki Suzuki, Aoi Ichinoseki, Masaki Watanabe and Yutaro Ueno passed their bachelor's oral defense. R6(2024) Graduation Research Presentation
- 2025-01-17
- 【Group Event】Instead of the usual year-end party, we held a New Year's party for our group on January 17. 2025 New Year's Party
- 2024-12-23
- 【Notice】The research on marine biodegradable materials led by our research group has been posted on the website for the Faculties of Engineering of 55 National Universities.【Environmental Initiatives】Harnessing the Power of Marine Organisms: Enhancing the Marine Biodegradability of Plastics Using Proteins Derived from Marine Organisms (Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University)
- 2024-12-19
- 【Group Event】We held a three-day mid-term group research meeting for the second half of the year 2024 on the 19th, 21st and 22nd of December. Let's keep up the good work.
- 2024-11-28
- 【Conference】Jin, Akira Yoshida (first-year doctoral student) and Daiki Hinata (second-year master student) took poster presentations at International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology 2024 (ISF2024) (November 25(Mon)-29(Fri),2024, Kyoto Terrsa-Kyoto, Japan)・11/28 P010 Koh Yoshida, ToshiyaYamasaki, ShunsukeKondo, Aoi Ichinoseki, Koki Suzuki, 〇Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Characteristics of a Natural Protein Fiber Produced by the Marine Organism Hagfish. (Poster)・11/28 P011 〇Koh Yoshida, Jin Gong, Synthesis and GasPermeation Properties of P(MMA-co-SA) Gels. (Poster)・11/28 P065 〇Daiki Hinata, Jin Gong, The Effect of Long Alkyl Side Chains on the Response Temperature and Speedof Shape Memory Gels. (Poster) ISF2024@Kyoto(Jin、Yoshida、Hinata)
- 2024-11-12
- 【Award】Yutaro Ueno (4th year undergraduate student) won the Best Poster Presentation Award at SmaSys2024. Ueno, Congratulations!Best Poster Presentation Award (Ueno)
- 2024-11-12
- 【Conference】Toshiya Yamasaki (first-year master student) and Yutaro Ueno (4th year undergraduate student) took poster presentations at The 12th International Conference on Smart Systems Engineering (SmaSys) 2024 (November 12(Tue), Yonezawa, Japan)・11/12 1P15 〇Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Development of a Polymer Gel with High Adhesion to Polytetrafluoroethylene. (Poster)・11/12 1P16 〇Yutaro Ueno, Jin Gong, Super-oleophobicity of Polycarbonate Surfaces Created Using Fluorine-based Gels. (Poster) SmaSyn2024(Yamasaki, Ueno)
- 2024-10-22
- 【Group Event】Imoni party (welcome party). We held an imoni party at Naoetei Park to welcome five new third-year students and research student Sun. Imoni Party 2024
- 2024-10-16
- 【Notice】An international student from China, Sun Tian, has become a new member of our group as an undergraduate research student.
- 2024-10-1
- 【Collaboration】The 2nd member-to-member research exchange meeting of the Program for Tough Biodegradable Fibers and Nonwovens from Marine Organisms (TBio_Fine), Yamagata University Frontier Research Center of Excellence -Collaboration- (YU-COE) (C) was held at the Yonezawa Campus. We will do our best together with the members this year too.The 2nd YU-COE(C) member research exchange meeting
- 2024-09-30
- 【Notice】Five college juniors from Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering joined us. The new school term gets starting today.
- 2024-09-18
- 【Conference】Akira Yoshida (first-year doctoral student), Daiki Hinata (second-year master student) and Toshiya Yamasaki (first-year master student) took poster presentations at International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization 2024 (IDMPC2024), which was held at Denkokunomoiri, Yonezawa, Japan druing Semptember 17(Tue)-20(Fri), 2024.・9/18 P1-24 〇Daiki Hinata, Jin Gong, The Effect of Long Alkyl Side Chains on the Response Temperature and Speed of Shape Memory Gels. (Poster)・9/19 P2-22 〇Koh Yoshida, Jin Gong, Evaluation of Crystallinity and Gas Barrier Properties of P(MMA-co-SA) Gels. (Poster)・9/19 P2-23 〇Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Development of A Polymer Gel with High Adhesion to Polytetrafluoroethylene. (Poster)IDMPC2024@Yonezawa (Yoshida, Hinata, Yamasaki)
- 2024-09-17
- 【Lecture】Jin gave a lecture titled "Extraction of tough fibers from spindle-shaped fiber spherules in hagfish exudate" at the seminar and facility tour of the Yamagata University Business Starting Center for Organic Material (YBSC).
- 2024-09-09
- 【Notice】Jin and Akira Yoshida (first-year doctoral student) went to Ainan Town, Ehime Prefecture, to collect samples for the marine field test (participating as part of the Moonshot Ito Project). Field test 2024 1 Field test 2024 2
- 2024-08-23
- 【Collaboration】Jin participated in theThe 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference at Yamagata University, and presented the research results of Program for Tough Biodegradable Fibers and Nonwovens from Marine Organisms (TBio_Fine), Yamagata University Frontier Research Center of Excellence -Collaboration- (YU-COE) (C). Group photo
- 2024-08-06
- 【Group Event】We held a two-day mid-term group research meeting for the first half of the year 2024 on the 6th and 7th Auguest.
- 2024-08-03
- 【Open Campus】The 2024 Open Campus was held on site. We had lots of visitors this year as well. Thank all visitors, and also our members who took many efforts for preparing this event. Opencampus2024
- 2024-06-27
- 【Paper】The first-year doctora student, Koh Yoshida published his paper titled "Enhanced Marine Biodegradation of Polycaprolactone through Incorporation of Mucus Bubble Powder from Violet Sea Snail as Protein Fillers" in Polymres. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym16131830. Congratulations!
- 2024-06-10
- 【Conference, Invited Lecture】Jin participated in The 14th International symposium on polymer physics (PP2024) held in Chongqing city, China, from June 9(Sun) to June 14(Fri), and gave an invited talk.・6/10 Koh Yoshida, Toshiya Yamasaki, Shunsuke Kondo, Koki Suzuki, Aoi Ichinoseki,〇Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Characteristics and Application of a Natural Protein Fiber Produced by the Marine Organism Hagfish.(Invited talk) PP2024@Chongqing, China(Jin)
- 2024-06-05
- 【Conference】We presented 6 papers at 73rd SPSJ Annual Meeting, which was held at Sendai International Center druing June 5(Wed)-7(Fri), 2024.・6/5 1Pb060 〇Nakayama Takumi, Jin Gong, Development of a Novel Hook-and-Loop Fastener Mimicking the Protrusion Structure of Hagfish Eggs.(Poster)・6/5 1Pb064 〇Koh Yoshida, Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Improvement of Marine Biodegradability of PCL by Adding Jellyfish Powder.(Poster)・6/5 1Pc057 〇Koichiro Momma, Masaki Watanabe, Jun Morita, Satoshi Aoki, Jin Gong, Influence of Monomer Composition on the Self-healing Characteristics of Polymer Gels.(Poster)・6/5 1Pd046 〇Nigou Taisuke, Jin Gong, Effect of Beads on Mechanical Properties of P(DMAA-co-EA) Gel Nonwoven Fabrics.(Poster)・6/5 1Pd048 〇Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Development of a Polymer Gel with High Adhesion to Polytetrafluoroethylene.(Poster)・6/5 1M21 Shunsuke Kondo, Aoi Ichinoseki, Koki Suzuki, 〇Jin Gong, Extraction of Fibers from Hagfish Exudate and Characteristics of These Fibers.(Oral)73rd SPSJ Annual Meeting@Sendai International Center
- 2024-05-29
- 【Paper】The co-authored papaer titled "Selective recognition and reversible encapsulation of tetrameric alcohol clusters via hydrogen bonds using a perfluorinated dinuclear nickel(II) complex", with Prof. Akiko Hori of Shibaura Institute of Technology, was accepted and published in CrystEngComm.https://doi.org/10.1039/D4CE00166D.
- 2024-05-14
- 【Notice】The 'Program for Tough Biodegradable Fibers and Nonwovens from Marine Organisms (TBio_Fine),' led by Jin, has been selected for continued support as one of the Yamagata University Frontier Research Center of Excellence - Collaboration (YU-COE) (C) programs for the year 2024.List of YU-COE centers (as of May 2024)
- 2024-05-10
- 【Group Event】Group members celebrated Jin's promotion. Jin also received a lovely bouquet of flowers from the alumuni. Thank you all! Let's continue to study and research together.(By Jin) 5/10Fri Celebration Party 15/10Fri lovely bouquet of flowers 1 3/27Wed lovely bouquet of flowers 2
- 2024-04-23
- 【Award】Jin awarded by Yamagata University for Excellence in Research, Education and Fundraising. 2024 Certificate of Merit
- 2024-04-01
- 【Notice】We met to welcome the new academic year and updated our lab members for the 2024 academic year.
- 2024-04-01
- 【Notice】Jin got promoted to Professor on April 1. "I would like to thank you everyone for supporting me so far. I hope to improve even more moving forward and would appreciate your continued support."(By Jin)
- 2024-03-20
- 【Graduation Ceremony】2023 (R5) Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering. This year, three master's students and six undergraduate students completed their studies and graduated from our group. Congratulations!3/20Wed 2023(R5) Graduation Ceremony 13/20Wed 2023(R5) Graduation Ceremony 2
- 2024-03-15
- 【Group Event】We held the farewell party for our laboratory for the academic year 2023. Two master's graduates and one bachelor's graduate will start their careers in the workforce. One master's graduate will proceed to the doctoral program, and four bachelor's graduates will contine to the master's program.3/15Fri 2023(R5) Laboratory Farewell Party 1 3/15Fri 2023(R5) Laboratory Farewell Party 2 3/15Fri 2023(R5) Graduation Ceremony 3
- 2024-03-06
- 【Junior Presentation】The 2023 achievement test for third-year students in the Department of Polymer and Organic Materials Engineering has been successfully completed. Four 3rd year undergraduate students, Koki Suzuki, Aoi Ichinoseki, Masaki Watanebe and Yutaro Ueno finished their Achivement Test from our group. 3/7Wed 2023 achievement test for third-year students
- 2024-02-16
- 【Master's Thesis Presentation】The two-day Master's Thesis Defense for the 2023 Department of Organic Materials Science (15th-16th) was successfully completed. Three graduate students from our group, Koh Yoshida, Satoshi Aoki and Shunsuke Kondo conducted their master's oral defense.R5(2023) Master's Thesis Defense 1 R5(2023) Master's Thesis Defense 2
- 2024-02-13
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】The thesis oral defense for undergraduate students of Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering (13th-14th) finished today. Six students from our group, Jun Morita, Koichiro Momma, Taisuke Nigou, Kentaro Sakamoto, Takumi Nakayama and Toshiya Yamasaki passed their bachelor's oral defense.R5(2023) Graduation Research Presentation
- 2023-12-22
- 【Group Event】We held a two-day mid-term group research meeting for the second half of the year 2023 on the 21st and 22nd of December. After the mid-term presentations, we had a year-end group party at our lab.
- 2023-11-27
- 【Conference】We presented 2 papers at 2023 Autumn Meeting of The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (SFSTJ), which was held at Kyoto Terrsa, Kyoto during 27th(Mon) and 27th(Tue).・11/27 1P114a 〇Satoshi Aoki, Tomoyuki Takata, Jun Morita, Koichiro Momma, Jin Gong, Synthesis of self-healing gels using entanglement of molecular side chains.(Poster)・11/27 1P05 Kou Yoshida, Yuta Kawanishi, Taisuke Nigou, 〇Jin Gong, Preparation and Physical properties of Tough P(DMAA-co-EA) Polymer Gel Fiber.(Poster)SFSTJ 2023 Autumn Meeting (Jin, Aoki)
- 2023-10-19
- 【Group Event】We hosted a gathering to welcome new members and celebrate the students' success in finding employment. Additionally, we celebrated Hinata and Yoshida for winning awards. Welcome and celebration party for the second term of 2023
- 2023-10-12
- 【Award】Sencond-year master's student Koh Yoshida won the BEST POSTER AWARD (SILVER) at Japan-Thailand Bilateral Symposium of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Society held at Chulalongkorn Univeristy, Thailand. Yoshida, Congradulations! Yoshida won the BEST POSTER AWARD
- 2023-10-11
- 【Collaboration】The 1st member-to-member research exchange meeting of the Program for Tough Biodegradable Fibers and Nonwovens from Marine Organisms (TBio_Fine), Yamagata University Frontier Research Center of Excellence -Collaboration- (YU-COE) (C) was held at the Yonezawa Campus. It was a very meaningful exchange meeting.
- 2023-10-05
- 【Conference】Sencond-year master's student Koh Yoshida participtated in Japan-Thailand Bilateral Symposium of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Society held in Thailand.The symposium was held at VISTEC during 10/5-6、and atChulalongkorn University druing 10/9-10. Yoshida took a short oral presentation at VISTEC, and a poster presentation at Chulalongkorn University。・〇Koh Yoshida, Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong*, Hiroshi Ito*,Improvement of Biodegradability of PCL by Adding Jellyfish Powder. (Oral and Poster)Yoshida took a poster presentation
- 2023-09-28
- 【Notice】Four college juniors from Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering joined us. The new school term gets starting today.
- 2023-09-08
- 【Conference】We presented 3 papers atInternational Symposium for the 80th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, September 8(Fri)-10(Sun), 2023.・9/10 2P141 Hiroto Sakurai, Yuta Kawanishi, Taisuke Nigou, 〇Jin Gong*, Creation of P(DMAA-co-EA) Gel Fibers Using Photo-reactive Electrospinning.(Poster)・9/10 2P142 〇Koh Yoshida, Sayaka Teramoto, Jin Gong*, Yutaka Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ito*, Improvement of Biodegradability of PCL by Adding Violet Snail Mucus Bubble.(Poster)・9/10 2P144 〇Yuta Kawanishi, Taisuke Nigou, Jin Gong*, PDMAA Gel Nonwoven Fabric Produced by Photo-reactive Electrospinning Method.(Poster)Poster presentations@Senndai(Kawanishi) @Senndai(Yoshida)At poster presentation hall@Sendai(Kawanishi, Yoshida, Jin)
- 2023-08-25
- 【Award】First-year master's student Daiki Hinata won the Young Scientist Poster Award at The 13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC 2023)(Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan,July 18(Tue)-21(Fri)). Hinata, Congradulations!Hinata won the Young Scientist Poster Award
- 2023-8-09
- 【Conference】Second-year master's student Yoshida made two poster presentatins at Moonshot Ito Poject 6th group meeting, which was held at Denkokunomoiri, Yonezawa (Yamagata University),Auguest 9th(Wed)~10th(thu)・8/9 ◯Koh Yoshida, Sayaka Teramoto, Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Enhanced Marine Biodegradation of Polycaprolactone through Incorporation of Mucus Bubble Powder from Violet Sea Snail as Protein Fillers.(Poster)・8/9 ◯Koh Yoshida, Toshiya Yamasaki, Jin Gong, Yutaka Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ito, Enhanced Marine Biodegradation of Polycaprolactone through Incorporation of Jellyfish Powder as Protein Fillers.(Poster) Moonshot Ito Project 6th Group Meeting@Denkokunomoiri, Yonezawa (Yamagata University)(Yoshida)
- 2023-08-07
- 【Group Event】We held a two-day mid-term group research meeting for the first half of the year 2023 on the 7th and 8th Auguest.
- 2023-08-05
- 【Open Campus】The 2023 Open Campus was held on site. We had lots of visitors this year as well. Thank all visitors, and also our members who took many efforts for preparing this event. Opencampus2023 1 Opencampus2023 2
- 2023-07-19
- 【Conference】We presented 4 papers at The 13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC 2023)(Sapporo Convention Center, Hokkaido, Japan,July 18(Tue)-21(Fri)). ・7/19 3F03 Hiroto Sakurai, Yuta Kawanishi, Taisuke Nigou, Shinnosuke Irie, 〇Jin Gong*, Crystalline Polymer Gels and Their Processing Techniques.(Oral)・7/20 20P050b 〇Koh Yoshida, Jin Gong*, Synthesis and Gas Permeability Characteristics of P(MMA-co-SA) Gels.(Poster)・7/20 20P051a 〇Daiki Hinata, Jin Gong*, Effect of Long Alkyl Side Chains on Response Temperature and Response Speed of Shape Memory Gel.(Poster)・7/20 20P053a 〇Tomoyuki Takata, Satoshi Aoki, Koichiro Momma, Jun Morita, and Jin Gong*, Influence of Cross-linkers and Initiators on The Self-healing Properties of Gels.(Poster)At IPC2023@Sapporo (Jin, Yoshida, Hinata, Takata)
- 2023-07-11
- 【Notice】The 'Program for Tough Biodegradable Fibers and Nonwovens from Marine Organisms (TBio_Fine),' led by Jin, has been selected as one of the Yamagata University Frontier Research Center of Excellence - Collaboration (YU-COE) (C) programs for the year 2023.
- 2023-06-16
- 【Conference】Jin made an oral presentatin at the Fiber Society’s Spring 2023 Conference(Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo, June 14(Wed)-16(Fri))・6/16 3F03 Hiroto Sakurai, Yuta Kawanishi, Taisuke Nigou, Shinnosuke Irie, 〇Jin Gong, Tough P(DMAA-co-EA) Polymer Gel Fibers Produced by Photo-reactive Electrospinning.(Oral)
- 2023-04-27
- 【Award】Jin awarded by Yamagata University for Excellence in Research, Education and Fundraising. 2023 Certificate of Merit
- 2023-03-29
- 【Notice】Group member information of 2023 was updated.
- 2023-03-21
- 【Graduation Ceremony】2022 (Reiwa4) Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering. Two students got their Master's degrees, and five students got their Bachelor's Degrees. Congratulations!We got together and took photos on 17th March, Friday as a memento. 3/17fri Photo 1 3/17fri Photo 2
- 2023-03-06
- 【Junior Presentation】The 3rd year undergraduate students finished their Achivement Test carried out by the Department of Polmeric and Organic Matirials Engineering.
- 2023-02-15
- 【Master's Thesis Presentation】Two graduate students from our group, Hiroto Sakurai and Itsuki Hachiya, conducted their master's oral defense.2022 Master's Thesis Presentation 1 2022 Master's Thesis Presentation 2
- 2023-02-13
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】The thesis oral defense for undergraduate students of Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering finished today. Five students from our group passed their bachelor's oral defense.2022 Graduation Thesis Presentation
- 2022-12-22
- 【Group Event】We held a two-day mid-term group research meeting for the second half of the year 2022 on the 21th and 22th December. After the mid-term presentations, we held a year-end group party for the first time in three years. 2022 group year-end party
- 2022-12-20
- 【Award】Jin received the Excellent Educator Award, Yamagata University in 2022.The Excellent Educator Award, Yamagata University in 2022
- 2022-11-09
- 【Conference】Jin took two poster prezentations at 2022 Autumn Meeting of The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (SFSTJ), which was held on site (Torigin Bunka Kaikan) and online during 9th(Wed) and 10th(Thu).・11/9 1P57 iroto Sakurai, Kohei Takahashi, and ◯Jin Gong*, Preparation of Poly(ethyl acrylate) Polymer Gel fibers.(Poster)・11/9 1P58 〇Kazuhiro Ara, Satoshi Aoki, Tomoyuki Takata, and ◯Jin Gong*, Self-healing Gels Induced by Entanglement of Molecular Side Chains.(Poster)
- 2022-10-07
- 【Award】First-year master's student Yoshida won the Best Poster Presentation Award at SmaSys2022. Congratulations!Yoshda, Best Poster Presentation Award
- 2022-10-06
- 【Conference】Three Students from our group took poster presentations atthe 10th International Conference on Smart Systems Engineering (SmaSys) 2022,Yonezawa, October 6(Thu)-7(Fri)・10/6 PO-02 ◯Hiroto Sakurai, Jin Gong*, Fiber Creation for Polymer Gels with High Strength and Toughness Using UV-Electrospinning・10/6 PO-13 ◯Koh Yoshida, Jin Gong*, Synthesis and Gas Permeability Characteristics of P(MMA-co-SA) Gels・10/6 PO-19 ◯Tomoyuki Takata, Satoshi Aoki, Jin Gong*, Physical properties of CNTs-added self-healing polymer gels Participating in SmaSyn2022
- 2022-10-04
- 【Notice】Six college juniors from Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering joined us. The new school term gets starting today.
- 2022-09-29
- 【Intensive Lecture】Jin conducted a two-day intensive lecture at Okayama University from 29th to 30th.
- 2022-09-17
- 【Conference】Jin took two poster presentations at 2022 Joint Meeting of the Tohoku Area Chemistry Societies (Ueda Campus, Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate, September 17(Sat)-18(Sun)).・9/17 1P084 Koh Yoshida,◯Jin Gong,Gas Permeability Properties of Crystalline Gels・9/17 1P085 Hiroto Sakurai, Kohei Takahashi, ◯Jin Gong,Polymer Gel Fibers and Nonwovens Produced by Photoreactive Electrospinning
- 2022-09-05
- 【Conference】We prezentated six papers at 71th Symposium on Macromolecules, Sapporo Campus (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, September 5(Mon)-7(Wed)). At 71th Symposium on Macromolecules・9/5 1Pe093 ◯Shunsuke Kondo, Jin Gong, Extraction of Fibers Contained in the Mucus of Hagfish.(Poster)・9/5 1ESC18 Kohei Takahashi, Hiroto Sakurai, ◯Jin Gong, PDMAA Polymer Gel Fibers Produced by UV-Reactive Electrospinning.(Oral)・9/7 3I05 ◯Koh Yoshida, Jin Gong, Gas Permeability Properties of P(MMA-co-SA) Gels.(Oral)・9/7 3Pa057 ◯Daiki Hinata, Jin Gong, Effect of Long Alkyl Side Chains on Operating Temperature of Shape Memory Gel.(Poster)・9/7 3Pa071 ◯Tomoyuki Takata, Satoshi Aoki, Jin Gong,Physical Properties of CNT-added Self-Healing Gel.(Poster)・9/7 3Pa077 ◯Satoshi Aoki, Tomoyuki Takata, Jin Gong,Synthesis of Self-healable Gels with Heat-reversible Crosslinking Points.(Poster)
- 2022-08-09
- 【Group Event】We held a two-day mid-term group research meeting for the first half of the year 2022 on the 8th and 9th Auguest.
- 2022-08-06
- 【Open Campus】The 2022 Open Campus was held on site after two years. We also had lots of visitors this year. Thank all visitors, and also our members who took many efforts for preparing this event. Opencampus2022
- 2022-07-27
- 【Coference】We took three poster prezentations and one oral presentation at The 16th Asian Textile Conference (ATC-16), Virtually, July 27(Wed)-29(Fri), 2022. ・7/27 1P03 ◯Yoshida, Jin Gong*, Gas Permeability Properties of P(MMA-co-SA) Gel・7/28 2P03 ◯Tomoyuki Takata, Satoshi Aoki, Jin Gong*, Synthesis of CNTs-added Self-healing Polymer Gels・7/28 2P04 ◯Satoshi Aoki, Tomoyuki Takata, Jin Gong*, Self-healable Gels with Heat-reversible Crosslinking Points・7/28 2A02 Itsuki Hachiya, Hiroto Sakurai, ◯Jin Gong*, Crystalline Gels and Their Processing Techniques ATC-16, on-line international conference
- 2022-06-09
- 【Conference】First-year master's student Yoshida made a poster presentatin at the Fiber Society’s Spring 2022 Conference(Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo, and Virtually, June 8(Wed)-10(Fri)).・6/9 2PC227 ◯Koh Yoshida, Jin Gong*, Gas Permeability Properties of P(MMA-co-SA) Gel.(Poster)
- 2022-05-14
- 【Paper】The co-authored papaer titled "Structure Reconfigurable Mechanochromic Polymer with Shape Memory and Strain-Monitored Function Enabled by a Covalent Adaptable Network", with Dr. Huie Zhu and Prof. Masaya Mitsuishi of Tohoku University, was accepted and published online in Macromoleculeshttps:///doi/10.1021/acs.macromol.2c00529.
- 2022-04-07
- 【Notice】Group member information was updated.
- 2022-04-01
- 【Award】Jin awarded by Yamagata University for Excellence in Research, Education and Fundraising. 2022 Certificate of Merit
- 2022-03-21
- 【Graduation Ceremony】2021 (Reiwa3) Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering. Two students got their Master's degrees, and three students got their Bachelor's Degrees. Congratulations!I hope all they have a wonderful future. 2021(R3)Graduation Ceremony
- 2022-03-07
- 【Junior Presentation】Five 3rd year undergraduate students finished their Achivement Test carried out by the Department of Polmeric and Organic Matirials Engineering. They did fantastic jobs!
- 2022-02-18
- 【Award】Our group member, 4th year undergraduate student, Satoshi Aoki won the Best Presentation Award from Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering. Congratulations!Aoki Best Presentation Award 1 Aoki Best Presentation Award 2
- 2022-02-18
- 【Notice】The co-authored papaer titled "Robust, Reusable, and Antioxidative Supramolecular Adhesive to Inorganic Surfaces Based on Water-Stimulated Hydrogen Bonding", which was published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials, press released by Tohoku University
- 2022-02-16
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】The thesis oral defense for undergraduate students of Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering finished today. Three students from our group, Satoshi Aoki, Shunsuke Kondo and Koh Yoshida passed their bachelor's oral defense.
- 2022-02-16
- 【Master's Thesis Presentation】Two graduate students from our group, Kohei Takahashi and Kazuhiro Ara, conducted their master's oral defense.
- 2022-02-15
- 【Paper】The co-authored papaer titled "Robust, Reusable, and Antioxidative Supramolecular Adhesive to Inorganic Surfaces Based on Water-Stimulated Hydrogen Bonding" was published in ACS Applied Polymer Materialshttps://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.1c01353.
- 2022-01-05
- 【Paper】he co-authored review papaer titled "4D printing of polymers: Techniques, materials, and prospects" was Progress in Polymer Science (IF 29.90)https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2022.101506.
- 2021-12-21
- 【Group Event】We held a two-day mid-term group research meeting for the second half of the year 2022 on the 21th and 22th December.
- 2021-10-08
- 【Conference】Four Students from our group took poster presentations atthe 9th International Conference on Smart Systems Engineering (SmaSys) 2021,Yonezawa, October 7(Thu)-8(Fri)・10/8 PO-14 ◯Satoshi Aoki, Jin Gong*, Self-healable Gels with Heat-reversible Crosslinking Points・10/8 PO-15 ◯Hiroto Sakurai, Jin Gong*, Poly(ethyl acrylate) Gel Fibers Produced by UV-Electrospinning・10/8 PO-27 ◯Shunsuke Kondo, Jin Gong*, Characteristics of Hagfish Slime・10/8 PO-28 ◯Koh Yoshida, Sayaka Teramoto, Jin Gong*, Characteristics of Mucus Bubbles of Purple-bubble-raft-snails
- 2021-09-29
- 【Notice】Four college juniors from Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering joined us. The second semester of 2021 started.
- 2021-08-21
- 【Paper】The co-authored paper titled "Mechanical Performance and Visual Fracture Warning Function of Mechanochromic Stimuli-Recovery Polymer Networks" was published in Macromoleculeshttps://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.1c00904.
- 2021-08-11
- 【Group Event】We held a semi-term group research meeting for the first half of the year 2022 on the 21th and 22th December.
- 2021-04-05
- 【Notice】Jin earned KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).This is a three-year research project on Creation of Fibers and Non-woven for Multifunctionalized Tough Crystalline-Gels. (Applicant(PI), No. 21H01994,2021/4~2024/3)We'd continue to keep doing our best.
- 2021-04-01
- 【Notice】Group member information has been updated.
- 2021-03-18
- 【Award】Jin awarded by Yamagata University for Excellence in Research, Education and Fundraising. 2021 Certificate of Merit
- 2021-03-18
- 【Graduation Ceremony】>2020 (Reiwa2) Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering. Three students, Hiroto Sakurai, Itsuki Hachiya and Hiroyoshi Muramatsu got their Bachelor's Degrees. Congratulations!Two of them are going to enter the graduate school and continue the research. I hope all they have a wonderful future. 2020(R2)Graduation Ceremony
- 2021-03-08
- 【Junior Presentation】Three 3rd year undergraduate students, Shunsuke Kondo, Satoshi Aoki and Koh Yoshida finished their Achivement Test carried out by the Department of Polmeric and Organic Matirials Engineering. They three did an excellent job!・Shunsuke Kondo: Physical Properties of Hashfish Slime.・Satoshi Aoki: Synthesis of Selfhealing Gels with Thermal-reserible Crosslinking Points.・Koh Yoshida: Physical Properties of the mucus bubbles of purple-bubble-raft-snails (Janthina).
- 2021-03-05
- 【Award】2021 Yamagata University Students Awards Ceremony. Our group member, 4th year undergraduate student, Hiroto Sakurai won the Best Student Research Award from Yamagata Univ. Congratulations!Sakurai: the Best Student Research Award (Picture1)Sakurai: the Best Student Research Award (Picture2)
- 2021-03-01
- 【Notice】The book that Jin cowrote titled「Electrospray / Electrospinning Methods and Its Applications: Material Synthesis, Molding, and Processing (in Japanese)」was published on March 1st, 2021. Jin shared our work in Volume II Chapter 2:Crystalline gel Nanofibers. If you're interested in synthesis of nanoparticles/nanofibers, coating/film formation,microfabrication via electrospray/electrospinning, I recommend you this book.
- 2021-02-10
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】The thesis oral defense for undergraduate students of Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering finished today. Three students from our group, Hiroto Sakurai, Itsuki Hachiya and Hiroyoshi Muramatsu passed their bachelor's oral defense.
- 2020-12-23
- 【Group Event】We held a mid-term group research meeting for the second half of the year 2020.
- 2020-11-16
- 【Notice】The research of our group was introduced in the "注目の研究:工学(Featured Research: Engineering)" Column on our University's Japanese-version website.
- 2020-11-11
- 【Award】Hiroto Sakurai, the 4th year student in college, won the Best Presentation Award at the 2020 Autumn Meeting of The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (SFSTJ) held online during November 5(thu) to 6(Fri).Hiroto Sakurai presented a paper orally titled Preparation of hydrophobic gel fibers by photoreactive electrospinning. His contribution was highly evaluated and awarded. Sakurai's certificate of merit Sakurai, Congratulations!This news is posted on the website of Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering too.
- 2020-11-05
- 【Conference】4 people: Jin, Ara, Takahashi and Sakurai presented 4 papers at 2020 Autumn Meeting of The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (SFSTJ), held virtually during November 5 (Thu)-6 (Fri), 2020.・11/5 1B09B ◯Hiroto Sakurai, Kohei Takahashi, and Jin Gong, Preparation of hydrophobic gel fibers by photoreactive electrospinning. (Oral) ・11/5 1B13B ◯Kohei Takahashi, Takuya Miyazaki, Jin Gong, PDMAA gel fibers produced by photoreactive electrospinning and their structure analysis.(Oral)・11/5 1G14B 〇Kazuhiro Ara, and Jin Gong, Synthesis and characteristics of gel particles with thermal sensitivity near skin temperature.(Oral)・11/5 1B21A ◯Jin Gong, Takuya Miyazaki, Kohei Takahashi, Preparation of polymer gel fibers. (Oral)
- 2020-10-19
- 【Lecture】Jin gave a one-day lecture to 75 2nd year junior high school student at Nagai North Junior High School. This was one of events of Yamagata Univeristy Umemirai-Girls Project, adopted as the Next-Generation Human-Resources-Development Project of JST.
- 2020-09-30
- 【Notice】Four college juniors from Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering joined us. The new school term started today.
- 2020-09-16
- 【Conference】69th Symposium on Macromolecules was held online from Semptember 16(Wed) to 18(Fri), 2020. Jin presentaed two papers.・9/16 FB0526 ◯Jin Gong, Kazuhiro Ara, Itsuki Hachiya, Crystal Structure of Gels with Temperature-Sensitivity Near Skin Temperature.(Poster)・9/17 2O07 ◯Jin Gong, Kohei Sakai, Kazuhiro Ara, Itsuki Hachiya, Hiroshi Ito, Structure Analysis of Temperature-Sensitive Microporous Film Based on Gel Particles.(Oral)
- 2020-09-09
- 【Paper】The paper "Polymer Gel Fibers Produced by UV-Reactive Electrospinning" we submitted to Journal of Fiber Science and Technology was acceptted.
- 2020-08-07
- 【Open Campus】Yamagata University held an open campus event online. We opened our laboratory to the public this year too.
- 2020-07-09
- 【Paper】The collaboration paper with Prof. Wenbing Hu (Nanjing University, China) titled "Transparency of Temperature-responsive Shape-memory Gels Tuned by a Competition between Crystallization and Glass Transition" is published in Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. DOI: org/10.1007/s10118-020-2456-0.
- 2020-07-08
- 【Conference】Jin, Ara and Kohei made a lecture for high school students at the Super Science Highschool (SSH) event of Yonezawa Kojokan High School.
- 2020-06-10
- 【Conference】Jin made an oral, and first-year master's student Kohei made a poster presentatin at the Fiber Society’s Spring 2020 Conference(Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo, June 10(Wed)-12(Fri)).(The conference was called off due to COVID-19 pandemic, but papers submitted were recognized as presented)・6/11 2P207 ◯Kohei Takahashi, Hiroto Sakurai, Jin Gong, Polymer gel fibers and non-woven.(Poster) ・6/12 3C05 ◯Jin Gong, Yuchen Mao0, Kazuhiro Ara, Itsuki Hachiya, Kohei Sakai, Thermal-energy-storage crystalline gel particles with excellent thermal stability.(Oral)
- 2020-04-01
- 【Notice】Our group people information was updated.
- 2020-04-01
- 【Notice】Jin got promoted to Associate Professor on April 1. "I would like to thank you everyone for supporting me so far. I hope I can do better from now on, and get your continuous support."(By Jin)
- 2020-03-18
- 【Graduation Ceremony】2019 (Reiwa 1) Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University was concelled due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Fortunately, one large classroom was set for picture-taking for graduates. Congradulations! Kohei, Ara and Ryo. I wish you three a healthy and bright future.2019 (Reiwa 1) Commencement Ceremony 1 2019 (Reiwa 1) Commencement Ceremony 2
- 2020-02-18
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】The thesis oral defense for undergraduate students of Department Mechanical Systems Engineering finished today. Three students from our group, Kohei Takahashi, Kazuhiro Ara and Ryo Kobayashi passed their bachelor's oral defense. You all three did a greta job!
- 2019-12-19
- 【Conference】The international conference under the auspises of Graduate School of Organic Materials Science, Yamagata University, The 2nd International Conference of Polymeric and Organic Materials in Yamagata University (2ndIPOMY) was held at Denkokunomori, Yonezawa from 12/18Wed to 20Fri. 3 seniors from our group took 3 poster presentations.・Kohei Takahashi,Polymer Gel Fiber Produced by UV-reactive Electrospinning.・Kazuhiro Ara, Synthesis and Characteristics of Shape-Memory-Gel Particles. ・Ryo Kobayashi, Evaluation of Physical Properties of Crystalline Gel for Maintaining Freshness of Fruits and Vegetables. At 2nd IPOMY poster session hall
- 2019-11-13
- 【Invited Lecture】Jin gave an invited speach at 2019 PHyM Forum for Young Researchers held by Polymer Hybrid Materials Research Center (PHyM), Tohoku University (Katahira Campus)・Jin,Creation of Crystalline Gels and Their Applications
- 2019-11-02
- 【Conference】Jin went to OKINAWA Colloids 2019 Pre-Workshop –5th International Mini-Symposium on Surface Forces– and listened to the lectures. The Venue was the Meeting Room (1F), South Multidisciplinary Research Laboratory 2, Katahira Campus, Tohoku University.
- 2019-11-09
- 【Conference】Jin and three 4th year undergrads took part in 2019 Autumn Meeting of The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (SFSTJ) held at Faculty of Texitle Science and Technology, Shinxiu University during Nov 9 (Sat) to 10 (Sun). We presented 6 papers.・11/9 ◯Jin,Crystalline Gel with Humidity Self-control Function for Freshness Retention of Yamagata’s Cherry.(Oral)・11/9 ◯Jin,Moisture-proofing of Zinc Sulfide Phosphor Particles with Polymer Gel.(Oral)・11/9 ◯Jin,Polymer Gel Fibers Produced by Electrospinning.(Oral)・11/9 ◯Ara,Synthesis and Characteristics of Shape-Memory-Gel Particles.(Poster)・11/9 ◯Ryo,Evaluation of physical properties of crystalline gels for freshness retention of fruits and vegetables.(Poster)・11/10 ◯Kohei,Polymer gel fibers produced by electrospinning and their structure analysis.(Poster)
- 2019-10-27
- 【Academic Exchange】Jin led the 1st year graduate students of Graduate School of Organic Materials Science to China for their short-term overseas training. We went to Nanjing University@Nanjing, Donghua University@Shanghai and Arkema China@Changshu. This one-week trip let me know how significant that work efficiently is.
- 2019-10-16
- 【Group Event】We had an imoni Party for the first time in our group. The imoni was so yummy. We spent a very nice time outdoor. The imoni party might be one of our annual events. Our first imoni party 2019
- 2019-10-03
- 【Notice】Three college juniors have become our new member. It's the first time that juniors from Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering have joined our group. I hope we enjoy the research time together!
- 2019-09-27
- 【Group Event】We gave a send-off party to Takuya and celibrated Kohei and Ara passed the postgraduate exam.Takuya, come back and see us when you're free. Kohei and Ara, Congradulations!
- 2019-09-24
- 【Graduation Ceremony】Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University held in September. One bachelor student, Takuua Saito, graduated from our group. Takuya, Congradulations! I hope you keep doing well.
- 2019-09-17
- 【Paper】The third paper of Dr. Mao titled Crystal Transition Behavior and Thermal Properties of Thermal-Energy-Storage Copolymer Materials with an n-Behenyl Side-Chain was published in Polymers. DOI:org/10.3390/polym11091512
- 2019-09-05
- 【Conference】Jin presented our two papers at Polymer Engineering and Science International (PESI) Conference 2019@Yonezawa,Yamagata, Japan(Sep 4-6).・9/5 Takuya Saito, ◯Jin Gong* and Fumihiko Hirose*, Moistre-proofing of Zinc Sulfide Phosphor Particles Using Grosslinked Polymer Gel. (Poster)・9/6 Kohei Takahashi, Takuya Miyazaki and ◯Jin Gong*, Gel Fibers Produced by UV-reactive Electrospinning. (Oral)
- 2019-08-02
- 【Open Campus】Yamagata University held an open campus event. We opened our laboratory to the public this year too. Thanks for visiting our laboratoy! Opencampus2019
- 2019-07-05
- 【Invited Lecture】Jin made a keynote lecture for sending cheers to the 12th grant winners at the 12th Shiseido-Female-Researcher-Science-Grant Awarding Ceremony held at Shiseido Global Innovation Center (S/PARK).
- 2019-06-05
- 【Conference】Jin, Miyazaki(graduated student), Kohei and Ara participated in the Fiber Society’s Spring 2019 Conference held at Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo. We made one oral and two poster presentations(6/5Wen-6/7Fri)。・6/5 ◯Kohei Takahashi, Takuya Miyazaki, Jin Gong, Fabrication and Characteristic Of Crystalline Gel Fibers.(Poster) ・6/6 ◯Kazuhiro Ara, Kohei Sakai, Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Structure of Temperature-Sensitive Microporous Film Based on Gel Particles.(Poster)・6/7 ◯Takuya Miyazaki, Kouhei Takahashi, Jin Gong, Crystalline Gel Fibers Produced by Reactive Electrospinning.(Oral)At Banquet of Fiber Society’s Spring 2019 Conference
- 2019-05-28
- 【Conference】Jin and Kohei took part in 35th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-35)@Çeşme-İzmir, TURKEY. We presented 3 papers, one oral and two posters (5/27Mon-5/30Thu).・5/28 Yuchen Mao, Takuya Miyazaki, Kohei Sakai, ○Jin Gong, Meifang Zhu, Hiroshi Ito, 3D Printable Thermal-Energy-Storage Crystalline Gels Using Mask-Projection Stereolithography.(Poster)・5/28 ○Kohei Takahashi, Takuya Miyazaki, Jin Gong, Crystalline Gel Fiber via UV Reactive Electrospinning.(Poster)・5/29 Kohei Sakai, ○Jin Gong, Hiroshi Ito, Kosei Sato, Kazuhiro Hamada, Temperature-sensitive Microporous Film Based on Crystalline Gel Particles.(Oral)In front of poster of PPS-35
- 2019-05-11
- 【Notice】Our group people information was updated.
- 2019-04-05
- 【Notice】3 new member joined our group.
- 2019-03-21
- 【Graduation Ceremony】H30 Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University. Two master and two bachelor students graduated from our group.Two master students are the first undergraduates of our group. Two bachelor students are the forth graduates of our group.
I hope they all enjoy working at their companies and succeed.
I am so glad that Takeru Kobayashi who graduated last year came well. I am also glad that he looks so fine.H30 Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering
- 2019-03-18
- 【Notice】Dr. Yuchen Mao finished his Dissertation Defense at Donghua University and came back to our group. This time he is going to stay for 3 weeks to writh paper and do job searching. I hope he enjoy his short stay.
- 2019-03-01
- 【Conference】Jin presented one paper at Young researchers meeting of Component Parts and Materials (CPM), The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan(2/28(Thu)-3/1(Fri), The University of Electro-Communications). This was the first time that we presented paper at conference of IEICE.・Saito Takuya, ◯Jin Gong, Fumihiko Hirose Synthesis of Moisture-proofed Zinc Sulfide Phosphor Particles Using Crystalline Gel
- 2019-02-19
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】Undergraduate students of Department Mechanical Systems Engineering finished their thesis oral defense. Two students from our group, Risei Sakashita and Kouta Karashima passed their bachelor's oral defense.
- 2019-02-14
- 【Master's Thesis Presentation】Two graduate students from our group, Takuya Miyazaki and Kohei Sakai, conducted their master's oral defense. Vice-supervisors have given us a lot to think about. We appreciate that greatly.
- 2019-01-25
- 【Conference, Invited talk】Jin and Takuya presented two papers at The First International Conference of Polymeric and Organic Materials in Yamagata University (IPOMY) (1/24(Thu)–26(Sat), Denkoku-no-mori, Yonezawa)
・1/25 ◯Saito Takuya, Jin Gong, Fumihiko Hirose Moisture-proof Coating of Zinc Sulfide Phosphor Particles by Crystalline Gel. (Poster) Takuya's poster presentation・1/26 ◯Jin Gong, Kohei Sakai1, Hiroshi Ito, Kosei Sato, Kazuhiro Hamada Synthesis of Crystalline Gel Particles and Their Use in Temperature-sensitive Microporous Film. (Invited)
- 2019-01-23
- 【Junior Presentation】Three juniors from Gong Lab, Kohei Takahashi, Kazuhiro Ara and Ryo Kobayashi made their class presentation for Engineering Innovation. I hope they all have enjoyed their six-month experimental experience.
- 2018-11-29
- 【Academic Exchange】Prof FAN Haosen visited our group (10/29 Thu-11/4 Tue)。 Prof Fan visiting
- 2018-11-29
- 【Conference】Risei(B4) made a poster presentation at The International Symposium of YU-COE(C) AFTEC and HECT held on Yonezawa Campus. Picture
・Risei Sakashita, Ryo Taira, Yoshihiro Deguchi, Tomoya Higashihara, Jin Gong*, Crystalline gel with humidity self-control function for freshness retention of Yamagata’s cherry. (Poster)
- 2018-10-29
- 【Academic Exchange】We led the students of Graduate School of iFront and Organic Materials Science to visit Taiwan (10/28 Sun-11/1 Thu)。We visited National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech), National Central University (NCU) and International Technology Research Institute (ITRI). visiting Taipei Tech &joint symposium visiting NCU &joint symposiumJin introduced our recent work at Taipei Tech and NCU. at Taipei Tech at NCU
- 2018-10-11
- 【Academic Exchange】Prof. YANG Shengyuan from Donghua University visited (10/11 Thu-12 Fri)。He gave an invited lecture at Smasys2018. After symposium, we talked about the future acadamic collaboration. Picture1 Picture2
- 2018-10-09
- 【Paper】The 2nd paper of Yuchen Mao titled 'A 3D Printable Thermal Energy Storage Crystalline Gel Using Mask-Projection Stereolithography' was published in Polymers. Doi: org/10.3390/polym10101117
- 2018-10-04
- 【Group Event】Three college juniors have become the new member of our group. We held the welcome party for them. Mr. Sato from the collaborative company joined the party, too. Picture
- 2018-10-01
- 【Conference】Jin participated in The 4nd Young Researcher Workshop, Ito Program, Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT), and did a poster presentation (Oct 1-2)@Ariston Hotel Kobe, Hyogo.・Takuya Miyazaki, Yuchen Mao, ○Jin Gong*, Crosslinked Gel Fibers via Reactive Electrospinning (Poster)Jin took part in the test driving of the concept car「ItoP」. Concept car「ItoP」1 Concept car「ItoP」2 Patrol exhibition schedule of the concept car made by ImPACT Ito Program (Planned)
- 2018-09-13
- 【Group Event】We had a farewell party for Yuchen Mao. He will go back to Donghua University at the end of this month. He did a very good job. Hope he can get his Ph.D degree as scheduled. And, hope he has a brighter and broader future. Picture
- 2018-09-12
- 【Notice】Our lab website's content Research was updated.
- 2018-09-07
- 【Conference】67th Symposium on Macromolecules@Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido University (Sep 12-14) has been called off following the earthquake that struck Hokkaido on Sep 6。We were going to present 3 papers in this symposium.
・Sep 12 Jin Gong, 3D printable thermal energy-storage crystalline gels. (Oral)
・Sep 12 Takuya Miyazaki, Crystalline Gel Fibers Produced by Electrospinning. (Oral)
・Sep 13 Kohei Sakai, Processing and Physical Properties of Temperature-Sensitive-Gel Particles/Polymer Composite Film. (Poster)
- 2018-09-06
- 【Paper】The 2nd paper of Mao was submitted in Polymers. The preprint "A 3D Printable Thermal Energy Storage Crystalline Gel Using Mask-Projection Stereolithography" is now available at: http://www.preprints.org/manuscript/201809.0114/v1
- 2018-08-28
- 【Conference】Our group members made 4 presentations in the international conference First International Conference on 4D Materials and Systems (4DMS) (Aug 26-30) ・Aug 28 Yuchen Mao, 3D Printable Energy Storage Crystalline Gels Using Mask-Projection Stereolithography. (Poster)
・Aug 28 Takuya Miyazaki, Fabrication of Crystalline Gel Fibers By Electrospinning. (Poster)・Aug 28 Kohei Sakai, Processing and Physical Properties of Temperature-Sensitive-Gel / Polymer Film. (Poster)
・Aug 29 Jin Gong, Thermal Energy Storage P(BeA-co-MMA) Microcapsules with Excellent Thermal Stability. (Oral)
- 2018-08-03
- 【Open Campus】Yamagata University held an open campus event. We opened our laboratory to the public.Opencampus2018
- 2018-07-31
- 【Academic Exchange】Jin made a report at the 2018 Seminar on Grant-Supported Research Findings The Asahi Glass Foundation.・Jin Gong, Development of Refractive-index-distribution Gels Hopefully being Applied to Lens. (Poster)
- 2018-07-20
- 【Conference】Jin, Miyazaki and Sakai paticipated in the 7th Group Symposium of ImPACT Ito Program @Shonan Village Center, Kanagawa. Miyazaki and Sakai made poster presentations.
・Miyazaki Crystalline gel fibers produced by electrospinning. (Poster)・Sakai Kohei, Property characterization of temperature sensitive porous film prepared by adding crystalline gel. (Poster)
- 2018-07-14
- 【Paper】Yuchen Mao, overseas student from Donghua University (Shanghai, Chian) published his research paper on Polymer (Elsevier Journal). This paper reported our recent work on Excellent Thermal Stability P(BeA-co-MMA) Microcapsules with High Thermal Energy Storage Capacity. DOI: org/10.1016/j.polymer.2018.07.040
- 2018-06-13
- 【Conference】Jin presented one paper at The Fiber Society’s Spring 2018 Conference (Co-organized by The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan)@Tower Hall Funabori,Tokyo (6/12 Tue-14 Thu)。・Jin Gong, Preparation and Thermoresponsive Properties of Temperature-Sensitive-Gel(TSG)/Polymer Functional Films. (Oral)
- 2018-06-13
- 【Conference】Two papers were presented at The Fiber Society’s Annual Meeting 2018@Tower Hall Funabori,Tokyo (6/13 Wed-15 Fri)。・Miyazaki Crystalline Gel Fibers Produced by Electrospinning. (Poster)・Sakai (Jin), Synthesis of Temperature Sensitive Gel Particles. (Poster)
- 2018-05-23
- 【Conference】Jin made an oral presentation at 34th International Conference of the Polymere Processing Society (PPS-34)@Taipei, Taiwan. (May 21-25) Picture・Gong Jin, Synthesis of temperature-sensitive-gel (TSG) particles by using suspension polymerization. (Oral)
- 2018-04-02
- 【Notice】3 new member joined our group.・Kota KARASHIMA (Senior), Risei SAKASHITA (Senior), Takuya SAITO (Junior).
- 2018-03-21
- 【Graduation Ceremony】Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University. Three bachelor students graduated from our group.Congradulations! Enjoy your future life! Picture
- 2018-02-19
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】Three students from our group, Masayoshi, Takeru and Ryo, made presentations of their undergraduation theses.
- 2018-01-26
- 【Notice】We held The 7th International Symposium of Green MAP Center and LPIC on January 26 and 27 on Yonezawa Campus, Yamagata University. Jin was a secretary of the Conference. Picture
- 2018-01-24
- 【Junior Presentation】Three juniors from Gong Lab, Kouta Karashima, Risei Sakashita and Takuya Saito made their class presentation for Engineering Innovation.
- 2017-12-25
- 【Conference】Jin participated in The 6th Group Meeting, Ito Program, Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT) @Kitakyushu, and did a poster presentation.・Jin Gong Gel with self-humidity adjustment function for freshness retention of cherry. (Poster)
- 2017-12-20
- 【Group Event】Group member held an end-year party. Picture
- 2017-12-04
- 【Academic Exchange】Jin gave a presentation at Joint Symposium of MEXT Program to supporting research activities of female researchers @No. 11 Building, Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University.・Jin Gong Gel with self-humidity adjustment and cooling functions for freshness retention. (Poster) Picture
- 2017-11-30
- 【Conference】Takuya Miyazaki did a poster presentation at The International Symposium of YU-COE(C) AFTEC and HECT.・Takuya Miyazaki, Crosslinked Gel Fibers via Electrospinning.(2min short presentation and poster)
- 2017-11-05
- 【Academic Exchange】We led the students of Graduate School of iFront and Organic Materials Science to visit Shanghai, China (Nov 5-9). We visited Donghua University and companies in Shanghai.
- 2017-10-12
- 【Academic Exchange】Prof. Haosen Fan from Guangzhou University and Prof. Jing Sang visited (Oct 12-13). They gave lectures at Smasys2017.After the symposium, we did sightseeing in Uesugi Shrine. Picture
- 2017-10-11
- 【Academci Exchange】Jin introduced the work of our group at New Technology Presentation Meeting of Yamagata University ~Meetup for the next~ @Mirai Hall, No. 11 Building.
- 2017-09-25
- 【Graduation Ceremony】Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University. Naoya, one bachelor student graduated from our group. Congradulations! Picture
- 2017-09-20
- 【Conference】We did two presentations at 66th Symposium on Macromolecules @Johoku Campus, Ehime University (Sep 20-22). Picture・Yuchen Mao 1ESB07 Latent Heat Energy Storage Crystalline Gel. (Oral)・Jin Gong 1Z05 Thermal Energy Storage Crystallline Gels for 3D Printing. (Oral, Requested Lecture, S23 Session)
- 2017-08-25
- 【Lecture】Jin went to Mito Second High School (Ibaraki) and gave a lecture to the students at the event of Science and Technology Lesson for High School Students.
- 2017-08-04
- 【Open Campus】Yamagata University held an open campus event. We opened our laboratory to high school students. Picture
- 2017-06-07
- 【Conference】The Fiber Society’s Annual Meeting 2017 @Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo (June 7-9).
・Jin Gong 2G09 Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Gels. (Oral)
・Yuchen Mao 1G08 Energy Storage Crystalline Gel Particles. (Oral)
- 2017-04-01
- 【Notice】Three juniors joined our group as new member. ・Masayoshi KAWASAKI, Takeru KOBAYASHI, Ryo TAIRA
- 2017-03-25
- 【Conference】We presentated two papers at SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2017@Portland, Oregon, USA (March 25-29).・Jin Gong 10167-54 Synthesis of crystalline gels on a light-induced polymerization 3D printer. (Oral)・Yuchen Mao 10167-30 Energy storage crystalline gel materials for 3D printing application. (Oral)
- 2017-03-20
- 【Graduation Ceremony】Commencement Ceremony of Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University. Four bachelor students graduated from our group.
Congradulations! Picture
- 2017-03-13
- The 2017 Advanced Polmer Seminar in Tohoku Region was held at Kaminoyama City (March 13-14).Jin organized this seminar.
- 2017-03-07
- 【Conference】We presentated two papers at GelSympo 2017 (11th International Gel Symposium) @Nihon University (Tsudanuma Campus), Chiba, Japan (March 7-8).・Jin Gong S-14 Crystalline gels with well-balanced overall mechanical properties. (Poster)・Yuchen Mao P-16 Energy storage gels with high crystallinity. (Poster)
- 2017-03-06
- 【Academic Exchange】Prof. Meifang Zhu from Donghua University visited. Prof. Zhu gave us a wonderful lecture.
- 2017-02-16
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】Four students from our group, Takumi, Reona, Miyazaki and Kyohei, finished their bachelor's thesis oral defense.
- 2017-01-27
- 【Notice】We held The 6th International Symposium of Green MAP Center and LPIC on January 27 and 28 on Yonezawa Campus, Yamagata University. Jin was a secretary of the Conference. Picture
- 2017-01-25
- 【Junior Presentation】Three juniors from Gong Lab, Masayoshi Kawasaki, Takeru Kobayashi and Ryo Taira made their class presentation for Engineering Innovation.
- 2016-12-21
- 【Conference】Jin participated in The 2nd Young Researcher Workshop, Ito Program, Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT), and did a poster presentation (Dec 21-22).・Jin gong, Crystalline Gel Microcapsules for Thermal Energy Storage. (Poster)
- 2016-12-10
- 【Academic Exchange】Jin took part in the 2016 exchange meeting for women engineers @Meat Juice, Sendai.
- 2016-11-11
- 【Academic Exchange】Jin gave a presentation at Joint Symposium of MEXT Program to supporting research activities of female researchers @2F Meeting Room, Denkoku-no-mori.・Jin Gong Gel with self-humidity adjustment and cooling functions for freshness retention.
- 2016-10-23
- 【Conference】Mao gave an oral presentation at 17th International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2016) @Qingdao,Shandong,China.・Yuchen Mao T-35 UV curing 3D printable energy storage gel materials. (Oral)
- 2016-10-22
- 【Invited Lecture】Jin gave a lecture at Okayama University Home Coming Day (Department Reunion) @A21 Lecture Room, Education Building, Okayama University.・Jin Gong My carrier as a researcher 〜Do the best even when making a detour〜. (Invited)
- 2016-10-21
- 【Invited Lecture】Jin gave an invited lecture at KRI Workshop.・Jin Gong Development of crystalline gel and its application in smart gel devices. (Invited Lecture)
- 2016-10-13
- 【Conference】We presentated two papers at 2016 International Seminar on Advanced Materials Research (2016ISAMR) @Kunming,Yunnan,China (Oct 13木-15).・Jin Gong Crystalline Gels. (Invited Talk)・Yuchen Mao P16 Peactive Energy Storage Microcapsules and Their Application in 3D Printable Gel Materials. (Poster)
- 2016-10-11
- 【Conference】We presentated two papers at Polymer Processing Society Asia/Australia Conference(PPS-2016)@Chengdu,Sichuan,China (Oct 11-13).・Jin Gong S09-113 Processing of Transparent and Toughened Shape Memory Gel. (Oral)・Yuchen Mao S05-106-P Latent heat energy storage film with shape memory property. (Poster)
- 2016-10-10
- 【Academic Exchange】We visited Donghua University (Shanghai, China). Picture1 Picture2
- 2016-09-21
- 【Lecture】Jin gave a lecture to 27 1-year high school students of Haramachi High School, Fukushima @5-207 lecture room, Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University. Picture
- 2016-09-21
- 【Conference】Mao and Hosaka presentated our work at The Fiber Society's Autumn Meeting 2016 @Yonezawa campus, Yamagata University.・Yuchen Mao 2D06 Energy storage microcapsules and their application in 3D printable gel materials. (Oral)・◯Eiichi Hosaka,Jin Gong,Hiroshi Ito, Yoshikazu Shibata,Dai Nakanishi,Shinichiro Ishihara 2E02 Fundamental Study of Processing and Thermal Response Properties of Shape Memory Polymer. (Oral)
- 2016-09-15
- 【Conference】We presentated two papers at 65th Symposium on Macromolecules @Yokohama Campus, Kanagawa University (September 14-16).・Yuchen Mao 2ESB15 The effects of different monomers on the thermal and crystal properties of phase change microcapsules. (Oral)・Jin Gong 3U02 3D printable crystalline gels (Oral, Requested Lecture, S18 session)
- 2016-09-12
- 【Academic Exchange】Jin participated in and talked at the practice session of 15th Japanese-American Frontiers of Science (JAFoS) symposium.・Jin GOng Crystalline Gels for Light Polymerized 3D Printing.
- 2016-09-11
- 【Conference】Jin reported our recent work on crystalline gels at 2016 Joint Meeting of the Tohoku Area Chemistry Societies@Meisei University, Iwaki.・Jin Gong 11B4 Synthesis and Applications of Crystalline Shape Memory Gels (Oral, Requested Lecture, Polymer and Fiber Chemistry Session)
- 2016-08-19
- 【Graduation Thesis Presentation】The September Bachelor Thesis Presentation in Department of Mechanical Systems was held.Naoya Kimura did the presentation.
- 2016-08-05
- 【Open Campus】Yamagata University held an open campus event. We opened our laboratory to high school students. Picture1 Picture2
- 2016-06-28
- 【Academic Exchange】Women researhers from Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. Picture
- 2016-06-08
- 【Conference】We presentated 3 papers at The Fiber Society’s Annual Meeting 2016 @Tower Hall Funabori, Tokyo.・Jin Gong 1F05 Gelation Mechanism and 3D Printing of Transparent Crystalline Shape Memory Gel. (Oral)・Yuchen Mao 3G06 High thermal stability microcapsule and its application in phase change materials (PCMs) as crosslinking point. (Oral)・◯Eiichi Hosaka,Jin Gong,Hiroshi Ito 1D07 Fundamental Study of Processing and Thermal Response Properties of Shape Memory Polymer. (Oral)
- 2016-04-01
- 【Notice】4 new juniors joined our group. ・Kyohei HOSOYA, Takuya Miyazaki, Takumi OIKAWA and Reona SAKAKIBARA.