Soft Crosslinking Materials Laborary
Department of Polymeric and Organic Materials Engineering, Graduate School of Organic Materials Science, Yamagata University
原著論文(査読有) Journal Papers [41] 学生の受賞 Student Awards [7] 国際会議論文 (査読付) International Conference Proceedings [40] 総説・解説等 Reviews/Commentaries [12] 著書 Book Chapters [7] 招待講演 Invited Lectures [26] 特許 Patents [5] 国際学会での発表 Presentations at International Conferences [132] 国内学会での発表 Presentations at Domestic Conferences [172] 受賞歴 Awards [14] その他 Others
No. | 受賞の名称Award name | 受賞者Winner | 受賞題目Title | 授与団体名Awarding organization | 受賞年月Date |
14 | 令和5年度山形大学研究推進報奨者The Research Promotion Awardee, Yamagata University in 2023 | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 山形大学Yamagata University | 2024年04月April 2024 | |
13 | 令和4年度山形大学研究推進報奨者The Research Promotion Awardee, Yamagata University in 2022 | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 山形大学Yamagata University | 2023年04月April 2023 | |
12 | 令和4年度山形大学優秀教育者賞The Excellent Educator Award, Yamagata University in 2022 | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 山形大学Yamagata University | 2022年12月December 2022 | |
11 | 令和3年度山形大学研究推進報奨者The Research Promotion Awardee, Yamagata University in 2021 | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 山形大学Yamagata University | 2022年04月April 2022 | |
10 | 令和2年度山形大学研究推進報奨者The Research Promotion Awardee, Yamagata University in 2020 | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 山形大学Yamagata University | 2021年03月March 2021 | |
9 | 第7回資生堂女性研究者サイエンスグラントThe 7th Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 眼内レンズへ応用可能なスマートゲル材料の開発Smart Gel Materials Applicable to Intraocular Lenses | 株式会社資生堂Shiseido Company, Limited | 2014年6月June 2014 |
8 | 国際学会最優秀ポスター賞Best Poster Award at international conference | Naoya Yamada, Masato Wada,Kohei Yamada, Jin Gong, Hidemitsu Furukawa | In-Situ Observation and Frictional Measurement of the Interface Between Gel and Other Materials | The 4th Asian Symposium on Advanced Materials - Chemistry, Physics & Biomedicine of Functional and Novel Materials | 2013年10月October 2013 |
7 | 国際学会最優秀ポスター賞Best Poster Award at international conference | Hisato Muroi, Kouki Yamamoto, Ryo Serizawa, Jin Gong, Hidemitsu Furukawa | Optical 3D Printer for Soft & Wet Industrial Materials | Gel Symposium 2012 | 2012年10月October 2012 |
6 | 国際学会最優秀ポスター賞Best Poster Award at international conference | Hisato Muroi, Jin Gong, Ruri Hidema, Hidemtsu Furukawa | Optical 3D Printing of Soft & Wet Industrial Materials | The 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing | 2012年8月Auguar 2012 |
5 | 国際学会ポスター奨励賞Incentive Award at international conference | Jin Gong, Ruri Hidema, Sho Harada, Hidemitsu Furukawa | Novel Shape Memory Gels for Soft Polymeric Actuator -Mechanism and Applications | Progress and Innovation of Smart Materials and Related Technology – Sustainable, Safe and Quality of Life | 2012年4月April 2012 |
4 | 日本政府国費外国人留学生奨学金Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for 2005 (Graduate Students) | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 文部科学省Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan | 2005年10月-2008年9月(3年間)October 2005-September 2008 (for 3 years) | |
3 | 鄭州大学優秀卒業論文賞Excellent Dissertation Award for Undergraduate Students | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 新規Schiff's Base型液晶クラウンエーテルの合成と評価Synthesis and Characterization of a Series of Novel Schiff’s Base Liquid Crystalline Crown Ethers (Bachelor Degree (Engineering)) | 鄭州大学Zhengzhou University | 2001年6月June 2001 |
2 | 鄭州大学優秀学生奨学金President Scholarship Award for Excellent Undergraduate Students | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 鄭州大学Zhengzhou University | 2000年9月September 2000 | |
1 | 鄭州大学優秀学生奨学金President Scholarship Award for Excellent Undergraduate Students | 宮瑾Jin Gong | 鄭州大学Zhengzhou University | 1998年9月September 1998 |